
759 | ExternalServicesInterface DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
3. Change the other rule attributes as required:
a. Click the Enable checkbox to enable the rule.
b. In the Condition Pattern text box, type the regular expression to be used as the condition pattern.
c. In the drop-down Match list, select the match type (ipaddr, mac, or user).
d. In the Match Pattern text box, type the regular expression to be used as the match pattern.
e. In the drop-down Set list, select the set type (blacklist or role).
f. When you select role as the Set type, the system displays a second drop-down list. Click the list to display
the possible choices and select the appropriate role value. Validation on the entered value will be based on the
Set selection.
g. In the drop-down Parser Group list, select one of the configured parser domain names.
NOTE: At this point, you can test the rule you just edited by using the Test section of the edit rule view. You can also test rules
outside the add or edit processes by using the rule test in the SyslogParserTest view (accessed from the External Services page by
clicking the SyslogParserTest tab, described in "Testing a Parser Rule" on page 759.
4. Click Apply to apply the configuration changes.
Testing a Parser Rule
You can test or validate enabled Syslog Parser rules against a sample syslog message, or against a syslog message file
containing multiple syslog messages. Access the parser rules test from the External Services page by clicking the
SyslogParserTest tab, which displays the SyslogParser Rule Test view.
To test against a sample syslog message:
a. In the drop-down Test Type list, select Syslogmessage as the test source type.
b. In the Message text box, type the syslog message text.
c. Click Test to start the test.
The test results are displayed in a box in the area below the Test button. The test results contain information
about the matching rule and match pattern.
l To test against a syslog message file:
a. In the drop-down Test Type list, select Syslogfile as the test type.
b. In the Filename text box, type the syslog file name.
c. Click Test to start the test.
The test results are displayed in a box in the area below the Test button. The test results contain information
about the matching rule and match pattern.
In the CLI
Use these CLI commands to manage syslog parser rules.
Adding a new parser rule
For example: