
Building Dimensions
Width: 100
Number of Floors: 2
User Information
Number of Users: N/A
Users per AP: N/A
Radio Types: 802.11a/b/g/n
AP Type: AP-93
Overlap Factor: 150% (Medium)
AP Desired Rates (5 GHz Radio Properties)
802.11a Desired Rate: 48 Mbps
802.11n (HT) Support: N/A
Use 40 MHz Channel Spacing: N/A
802.11n Desired Rate: N/A
AP Desired Rates (2.4 GHz Radio Properties)
802.11b/g Desired Rate: 48 Mbps
802.11n (HT) Support: N/A
Use 40 MHz Channel Spacing: N/A
802.11n Desired Rate: N/A
AM Desired Rates
802.11b|g: 24 Mbps
802.11a: 24 Mbps
Don’t Care/Don’t Deploy Areas
Shipping & Receiving = Don’t CareLobby = Don’t Deploy
802.11n Hotspot (Zone) Areas
Create a Building
In this section you create a building using the information supplied in the planning table.
1. In the Campus List, select New Campus. Enter: My Campus and click OK.
2. In the Campus List, select the checkbox next to My Campus, and click Browse Campus.
3. Click New Building. The Overview page appears.
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide RF Plan | 819