
Status Type
Home Switch/Home
This controller is the home agent for a station and the client is on the VLAN on which it has an
IP address.
Mobile IP Visitor This controller is not the home agent for a client.
Mobile IP Binding (away) This controller is the home agent for a client that is currently away.
Home Switch/Foreign
This controller is the home agent for a client but the client is currently on a different VLAN than
its home VLAN (the VLAN from which it acquired its IP address).
Stale The client does not have connectivity in the mobility domain. Either the controller has received a
disassociation message for a client but has not received an association or registration request
for the client from another controller, or a home agent binding for the station has expired before
being refreshed by a foreign agent.
No Mobility Service The controller cannot provide mobility service to this client. The mobile client may lose its IP
address if it obtains the address via DHCP and has limited connectivity. The mobile client may
be using an IP address that cannot be served, or there may be a roaming hole due to improper
Table 154:
Client Roaming Status
You can view the roaming status of users on any controller in the mobility domain:
Viewing user roaming status using the CLI
show user
Roaming status can be one of the following:
Status Type Description
Associated This client is on its home agent controller and the client is on the VLAN on which it has an IP
Visitor This client is visiting this controller and the controller is not its home agent.
Away This client is currently away from its home agent controller.
Foreign VLAN This client is on its home agent controller but the client is currently on a different VLAN than the
one on which it has an IP address.
Stale This should be a temporary state as the client will either recover connectivity or the client’s
entry is deleted when the stale timer expires.
Table 155:
User Roaming status
You can use the following CLI command to view the home agent, foreign agent, and roaming status for a specific
mobile client.
Viewing specific client information using the CLI
show ip mobile trace <ip-address>|<mac-address>
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide IPMobility | 498