Client Operating System
Supported Suite-B
IKE Authentication
Supported Suite-B IPsec
l Windows 7
l Windows Vista
l Windows XP
l IKEv1 Clients using ECDSA Certificates
l IKEv1/IKEv2 Clients using ECDSA
Certificates with L2TP/PPP/EAP-TLS
certificate user-authentication
l AES-128-GCM
l AES-256-GCM
Table 74:
Client Support for Suite-B
The Suite-B algorithms described in Table 73 are also supported by Site-to-Site VPNs between Dell controllers, or
between a controller and a server running Windows 2008 or StrongSwan 4.3.
Working with IKEv2 Clients
Not all clients support the both the IKEv1 and IKEv2 protocols. Only the clients in Table 75 support IKEv2 with
the following authentication types:
Windows 7 Client StrongSwan 4.3 Client VIA Client
l Machine authentication with
l User-name password
authentication using EAP-
l User smart-card
authentication with EAP-TLS /
NOTE: Windows 7 clients using
IKEv2 do not support pre-shared
key authentication.
l Machine authentication with
l User-name password
authentication using EAP-
l Suite-B cryptographic
l Machine authentication with Certificates
l User-name password authentication using
l EAP-TLS using Microsoft cert repository
NOTE: VIA clients using IKEv2 do not support
pre-shared key authentication.
Table 75:
VPN Clients Supporting IKEv2
Understanding Supported VPN AAA Deployments
If you want to simultaneously deploy various combinations of a VPN client, RAP-psk, RAP-certs and CAP on the
same controller, see Table 76.
Each row in this table specifies the allowed combinations of AAA servers for simultaneous deployment.
Configuration rules include:
l RAP-certs can only use LocalDB-AP
l A RAP-psk and RAP-cert can only terminate on the same controller if the RAP VPN profile’s AAA server uses
l If a RAP-psk is using an external AAA server, then the RAP-cert cannot be terminated on the same controller.
l Clients can use any type of AAA server, regardless of RAP/CAP authentication configuration server.
VPN Client RAP psk RAP certs CAP
External AAA server 1 LocalDB LocalDB-AP CPSEC-whitelist
Table 76:
Supported VPN AAA Deployments
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