
Use the drop-down list to the right of the Number of results per page to specify the number of APs to display in the
search results.
After entering the search criteria, you can either click Reset to clear the entries or click Search to search for APs. If
you click Search, the results are displayed in the Search Result table:
Figure 396: Search Results Page
You can view the information in ascending or descending order. By default, the display is in ascending order, based
on the AP name (the white arrow indicates the row that is being used to sort the information). Left-click on a
column head to view the information in ascending or descending order (you may need to click multiple times to get
the desired display).
In addition to displaying AP names, wired MAC addresses, serial numbers, IP addresses, FQLNs, and AP status, the
Search Result table displays the AP type and when it was last updating.
From here you can modify the attributes that create the FQLN for the selected AP, using the following drop-down
l Campus—Displays the campus where the AP is deployed. To deploy the AP in a different campus, select a
campus form the drop-down list. The Campus defines the buildings and floors displayed.
NOTE: This drop-down list only displays the existing campuses that you are managing. To add a new campus, see "Campus List
Page" on page 796.
l Building—Displays the building where the AP is deployed. To deploy the AP in a different building, select a
building from the drop-down list.
NOTE: This drop-down list only displays the available buildings in the selected campus. To add a new building, see "Building List
Pane" on page 797.
l Floor—Displays the floor where the AP is deployed. To deploy the AP on a different floor, select a floor from the
drop-down list.
NOTE: This drop-down lists only displays the available floors in the selected building. To add a new floor, see "Planning Floors
Page" on page 804.
To submit your changes, click Set FQLN. Setting the FQLN reboots the APs.
Using the FQLN Mapper in the AP Provision Page
The AP Provision page (available from Configuration > Wireless > AP Installation) allows you to set an FQLN
during the AP provisioning process.
Scroll to the FQLN Mapper near the bottom of the AP Provision page to modify the following attributes that create
the FQLN:
l Campus
l Building
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide RF Plan | 817