Creating a Guest-Logon-Access Policy
To create a guest-logon-access policy via the command-line interface, access the CLI in config mode and issue the
following commands:
(host)(config) #ip access-list session guest-logon-access
user any udp 68 deny
any any svc-dhcp permit time-range working-hours
user alias “Public DNS” svc-dns src-nat time-range working-hours
Creating an Auth-Guest-Access Policy
To create an auth-guest-access policy via the command-line interface, access the CLI in config mode and issue the
following commands:
(host)(config) #ip access-list session auth-guest-access
user any udp 68 deny
any any svc-dhcp permit time-range working-hours
user alias “Public DNS” svc-dns src-nat time-range working-hours
user any svc-http src-nat time-range working-hours
user any svc-https src-nat time-range working-hours
Creating a Block-Internal-Access Policy
To create a block-internal-access policy via the command-line interface, access the CLI in config mode and issue the
following commands:
(host)(config) #ip access-list session block-internal-access
user alias “Internal Network” any deny
Creating a Drop-and-Log Policy
To create a drop-and-log policy via the command-line interface, access the CLI in config mode and issue the
following commands:
(host)(config) #ip access-list session drop-and-log
user any any deny log
Creating a Guest-Logon Role
To create a guest-logon-role via the command-line interface, access the CLI in config mode and issue the following
(host)(config) #user-role guest-logon
session-acl captiveportal position 1
session-acl guest-logon-access position 2
session-acl block-internal-access position 3
Creating an Auth-Guest Role
To create an auth-guest role via the command-line interface, access the CLI in config mode and issue the following
(host)(config) #user-role auth-guest
session-acl cplogout position 1
session-acl guest-logon-access position 2
session-acl block-internal-access position 3
session-acl auth-guest-access position 4
session-acl drop-and-log position 5
Configuring Guest VLANs
Guests using the WLAN are assigned to VLAN 900 and are given IP addresses via DHCP from the controller.
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide CaptivePortalAuthentication | 245