
Variable Description
user (Required)
password (Required)
FQDN The fully-qualified domain name (this is dependent on the setting of the controller and
is supported only in Global Catalog Servers software.
Table 70:
Web Page Authentication Variables
The form can use either the "get" or the "post" methods, but the "post" method is recommended. The form's action
must absolutely or relatively reference https://<controller_IP>/auth/index.html/u.
You can construct an authentication form using the following HTML:
<FORM method="post" ACTION="/auth/index.html/u">
A recommended option for the <FORM> element is:
This option prevents Internet Explorer from caching the form inputs. The form variables are input using any form
control method available such as INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA and BUTTON. Example HTML code follows.
Username Example
<INPUT type="text" name="user">
Recommended Options:
accesskey="u" Sets the keyboard shortcut to 'u'
SIZE="25 "Sets the size of the input box to 25
VALUE= ""Ensures no default value
Password Example
<INPUT type="password" name="password">
Recommended Options:
accesskey="p" Sets the keyboard shortcut to 'p'
SIZE="25 "Sets the size of the input box to 25
VALUE= ""Ensures no default value
FQDN Example
<SELECT name=fqdn>
<OPTION value="fqdn1" SELECTED>
<OPTION value="fqdn2">
Recommended Options:
Finally, an HTML also requires an input button:
<INPUT type="submit">
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide CaptivePortalAuthentication | 257