
484 | VRRP DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
authentication password
description local-backed-by-master
no shutdown
To configure APs, configure the appropriate virtual IP address (depending on which controller is expected to control
the APs) for the LMS IP address parameter in the AP system profile for an AP group or specified AP.
As an example, the administrator can configure APs in the AP group “floor1” to be controlled by local controller 1,
APs in the AP group “floor2” to be controlled by local controller 2 and so on. All the local Dell controllers are backed
up by the master controller. In the AP system profile for the AP group “floor1”, enter the virtual IP address
( in the example configuration) for the LMS IP address on the master controller.
NOTE: You configure APs on the master controller.
Configuration changes take effect only after you reboot the affected APs; this allows them to reassociate with the
local controller. After rebooting, these APs appear to the new local controller as local APs.