
signal strength reported by a voice client is equal to or less than the threshold value, the handover process is
In the WebUI
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Advanced Services > All Profiles page.
2. Expand Wireless Lan under the Profiles section.
3. Expand 802.11 K profile under Wireless Lan
4. Select the default profile.
5. Select Advertise 802.1k Capability.
6. In the profiles list, note which Handover Trigger Feature Settings profile is associated with the selected 802l11k
7. Expand Handover Trigger under Wireless Lan.
8. Select the handover trigger profile associated with the default 802.11k profile.
9. Select the Enable Handover Trigger feature checkbox
10. Specify the handover threshold value in the Threshold signal strength value at which handover Trigger should be
sent to the client field. The handover threshold value should be within the range 20 to 70 dbm. The default
threshold value is -60 dbm.
11. Click the Apply button to save the configuration.
In the CLI
The following command enables the dot11k profile and sets the handover threshold at -60dbm.
(host) (config) #wlan handover-profile default
(host) (802.11K Profile "default") #dot11k-enable
(host) (802.11K Profile "default") #handover-trigger-profile default
(host) (802.11K Profile "default") #exit
(host) (config) #wlan handover-trigger-profile default
(host) (Handover Trigger Profile) #handover-trigger
(host) (Handover Trigger Profile) #handover-threshold 60
NOTE: The handover threshold value is a negative dbm value. In the CLI, enter the value without the negative (-) sign.
Working with Dial Plan for SIP Calls
A PSTN call from a SIP device usually requires the user to prefix 9 or 0 before the destination number. You can
configure dial plans (prefix codes) on the controller that are required by the local EPABX system to provide outgoing
PSTN call facility from a SIP device. After the dial plan is configured, a user can make SIP calls by dialing the
destination number without any prefixes.
NOTE: Dial plan can be configured only for SIP over UDP.
Understanding Dial Plan Format
The format of a SIP dial plan is <sequence> <pattern> <action>.
l sequence—is a number between 100 and 65535. The sequence number positions the dial plan in the list of dial
plans configured in the controller.
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