624 | DashboardMonitoring DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Figure 2d Aggregated Sessions (continued)
See the following table for more information on Aggregated Sessions fields.
Column Description
Source IP Indicates the IP address of the wireless or wired user associated to the controller.
Destination Name/IP Destination hostname, or IP address if hostname is not available.
IP Protocol Type of IP protocol traffic. For example, TCP or UDP.
Application Application name,protocols, and ports.
Tx Bytes Total number of bytes transmitted in a session.
RX Bytes
Total number of bytes received in a session.
User Indicates a wireless or wired user associated to the controller.
Device Specifies the client device type.
Role Determines the user's network privileges based on the assigned user role.
WLAN The service set identifier (SSID) that uniquely identifies the WLAN.
Destination Alias Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or the URL of the destination network or host.
Table 247:
Aggregated Sessions Fields
You can perform the following tasks in the Aggregated Sessions section:
l Sort: Click a column header of the table to sort the list by column. You can also use the sort icon that appears
when you click on a column.
l Filter: Click the filter icon on the first column and select the filter criterion to filter the entries.