
605 | Spectrum Analysis DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Figure 231: FFT Power Spectrogram Sample
The spectrum analysis Swept Spectrogram measures FFT power levels or duty cycle data each second, so after every
1-second sweep, the newest data appears as a thin colored line on the bottom of the chart. Older data is pushed up
higher on the chart until it reaches the top of the spectrogram and ages out. The example below shows the Swept
Spectrogram chart after it has recorded over 300 seconds of FFT data.
Figure 232: Swept Spectrogram
Table 233 describes the parameters you can use to customize the Swept Spectrogram chart. Click the down arrow in
the upper right corner of this chart then click the Options menu to access these configuration settings. Once you
have configured the desired parameters, click OK at the bottom of the Options menu to save your settings and
return to the spectrum dashboards.
Parameter Description
Band Radio band displayed in this graph.
For spectrum monitor radios using the 5 GHz radio band, click the Band drop-down list and
select 5 GHz upper,5GHz middle or 5Ghz lowerto display data for that portion of the 5Ghz radio
Table 233:
Swept Spectrogram Options