640 | ManagementAccess DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Field Description
If you are using SNMPv3 to obtain values from the controller, you can configure the following parameters:
User name A string representing the name of the user.
Authentication protocol An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this user can be authenticated,
and if so, the type of authentication protocol used. This can take one of the two values:
l MD5: HMAC-MD5-96 Digest Authentication Protocol
l SHA: HMAC-SHA-96 Digest Authentication Protocol
Authentication protocol password If messages sent on behalf of this user can be authenticated, the (private)
authentication key for use with the authentication protocol. This is a string password
for MD5 or SHA depending on the choice above.
Privacy protocol An indication of whether messages sent on behalf of this user can be protected from
disclosure, and if so, the type of privacy protocol which is used. This takes the value
DES (CBC-DES Symmetric Encryption Protocol).
Privacy protocol password If messages sent on behalf of this user can be encrypted/decrypted with DES, the
(private) privacy key for use with the privacy protocol.
Follow the steps below to configure a controller’s basic SNMP parameters.
In the WebUI
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Management > SNMP page.
2. If the controller will be sending SNMP traps, click Add in the Trap Receivers section to add a trap receiver.
3. If you are using SNMPv3 to obtain values from the controller, click Add in the SNMPv3 Users section to add a
new SNMPv3 user.
4. Click Apply.
In the CLI
hostname name
syscontact name
syslocation string
snmp-server community string
snmp-server enable trap
snmp-server engine-id engine-id
snmp-server host ipaddr version {1|2c|3} string [udp-port number]
snmp-server trap source ipaddr
snmp-server user name [auth-prot {md5|sha} password priv-prot DES password
NOTE: Earlier versions of ArubaOS supported SNMP on individual APs. This feature is not supported by this version of ArubaOS.
Configuring Logging
This section outlines the steps required to configure logging on a controller. For each category or subcategory of
message, you can set the logging level or severity level of the messages to be logged. Table 257 summarizes these