
84 |ControlPlaneSecurity DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Status Entry Description
Certified Entries AP has an approved certificate from the controller
Certified Hold Entries An AP is put in this state when the controller thinks the AP has been certified with a
factory certificate yet the AP requests to be certified again. Since this is not a normal
condition, the AP is not approved as a secure AP until a network administrator
manually changes the status of the AP to verify that it is not compromised.
NOTE: If an AP is in this state due to connectivity problems, then the AP recovers and
is taken out of this hold state as soon as connectivity is restored.
Revoked Entries Number of AP entries that have been manually revoked.
Marked For Deletion Entries Number of APs that have been marked for deletion, but that have not been removed
from the whitelist.
The Remote AP whitelist entries page displays only the information manually configured by the network
administrator. The entries in the campus AP whitelist include both user-defined settings and additional AP
information that is updated as the status of the AP changes.
Parameter Description
Cert Type The type of certificate used by the AP.
l switch-cert: The AP is using a certificate signed by the controller.
l factory-cert: the AP is using a factory-installed certificate. This option should only
used for AP model types W-AP105, the W-AP120 Series and the W-
AP130 Series.
State The Campus AP Whitelist reports one of the following states for each campus AP:
l unapproved-no-cert: AP has no certificate and is not approved.
l unapproved-factory-cert: AP has a preinstalled certificate that was not approved.
l approved-ready-for-cert: The AP has been approved as a valid campus AP and is
ready to receive a certificate.
l certified-factory-cert: The AP is already has a factory certificate. If an AP has the
factory-cert certificate type and is in the certified-factory-cert state, then that
campus AP is not re-issued a new certificate if automatic certificate provisioning
is enabled.
l certified-switch-cert: AP has an approved certificate from the controller.
l certified-hold-factory-cert: An AP is put in this state when the controller thinks the
AP has been certified with a factory certificate yet the AP requests to be certified
again. Since this is not a normal condition, the AP is not approved as a secure AP
until a network administrator manually changes the status of the AP to verify that
it is not compromised.
NOTE: If an AP is in this state due to connectivity problems, then the AP recovers and
leaves this hold state as soon as connectivity is restored.
l certified-hold-switch-cert: An AP is put in this state when the controller thinks the
AP has been certified with a controller certificate yet the AP requests to be
certified again. Since this is not a normal condition, the AP is not approved as a
secure AP until a network administrator manually changes the status of the AP to
verify that it is not compromised.
NOTE: If an AP is in this state due to connectivity problems, then the AP recovers and
is taken out of this hold state as soon as connectivity is restored.
Revoked Shows if the AP’s secure status has been revoked.
Revoked Text An optional, brief statement describing why the AP was revoked.
Last Update Time and date of the last AP status update.
Table 16:
Additional Campus AP Status Information