
711 | VoiceandVideo DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
l pattern—is the digit pattern or the number of digits that will be dialed by the user. You can specify digit pattern
using ‘X’, ‘Z’, ‘N’, ‘[]’, and ‘.’.
n X is a wild card that represents any character from 0 to 9.
n Z is a wild card that represents any character from 1 to 9.
n N is a wild card that represents any character from 2 to 9.
n . (period) is a wild card that represents any-length digit strings.
l action—is the prefix code that is automatically prefixed to the dialed number. This is specified as <prefix-
code>%e. Examples of prefix codes are:
n 9%e: The number 9 is prefixed to the dialed number.
n 91%e: The number 91 is prefixed to the dialed number.
Dialplan Pattern Action Description
XXXX %e When the user dials a four digit number, no action is taken and the call is allowed.
XXXXXXX 9%e When the user dials a seven digit number, a nine (9) is prefixed to that number and the
call is executed.
Example, if the user dials 2274500, the call is executed by adding 9 to the number,
XXXXXXXXXX 91%e This dial plan prefixes 91 to the dialed number.
Example, call to 4082274500 will be executed as 914082274500.
+1XXXXXXXXXX 9%e This dial plan replaces ‘+’ with 9 and executes the call.
Example, call to +14082274500 is executed as 914082274500.
+. 9011%e This dial plan removes ‘+’ and prefixes 9011 for an international call. Example, call to
+886212345678 is executed as 9011886212345678.
Table 309:
Examples of Dial Plans
Configuring Dial Plans
You can configure a maximum of two dial plan profiles and maximum of 20 dial plans per profile. The dial plan must
be associated to a SIP ALG configuration.
To configure a dial plan for SIP devices:
1. Create a voice dial plan
2. Associate the dial plan with SIP ALG
In the WebUI
1. In the WebUI, navigate to Configuration > Advanced Services > All Profiles > Controller > Dialplan
Profile. Enter a name for the dial plan profile and click the Add button.