
593 | Spectrum Analysis DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Device Duty Cycle
The Device Duty Cycle Chart is a stacked bar chart that shows the duty cycle of each device type on a channel. The
duty cycle is the percentage of time each device type operates or transmits on that channel. Though Wi-Fi devices
do not transmit if there is another Wi-Fi or non-Wi-Fi device active at that time, most non-Wi-Fi devices do not
follow such a protocol for transmissions. Since these devices operate independently without regard to any other
devices operating on the same channel, the total duty cycle of all device types may add up to more than 100% on a
channel. For example, one or more video bridges may be active on a channel, each with 100% duty cycle. The same
channel may have a cordless transmitter with 10% duty cycle and a microwave oven with 50% duty cycle. In this
example, the Device Duty Cycle chart shows all three device types with their respective duty cycle percentages.
NOTE: This chart is not available for W-AP120 Series or W-AP68 access points. A hybrid AP on a 20 MHz channel will see 40 MHz
Wi-Fi data as non-Wi-Fi data.
Spectrum monitors display spectrum analysis data seen on all channels in the selected band, and hybrid APs display
data from the one channel they are monitoring. The example below shows data from a spectrum monitor monitoring
all channels in the 2.4 Ghz band.
Figure 215: Device Duty Cycle
Table 216 describes the parameters you can use to customize the Device Duty Cycle chart. Click the down arrow in
the upper right corner of this chart then click the Options menu to access these configuration settings. Once you
have configured the desired parameters, click OK at the bottom of the Options menu to save your settings and
return to the spectrum dashboards.
Parameter Description
Band Radio band displayed in this graph.
Table 216:
Device Duty Cycle Options