
<1-4> <start day> <start month> <hh:mm>
first <start day> <start month> <hh:mm>
last <start day> <start month> <hh:mm>
<1-4> <end day> <end month> <hh:mm>
first <end day> <end month> <hh:mm>
last <end day> <end month> <hh:mm>
[<-23 - 23>]
Clock Synchronization
You can use NTP to synchronize the controller to a central time source. Configure the controller to set its system
clock using NTP by configuring one or more NTP servers.
For each NTP server, you can optionally specify the NTP iburst mode for faster clock synchronization. The iburst
mode sends up ten queries within the first minute to the NTP server. (When iburst mode is not enabled, only one
query is sent within the first minute to the NTP server.) After the first minute, the iburst mode typically
synchronizes the clock so that queries need to be sent at intervals of 64 seconds or more.
NOTE: The iburst mode is a configurable option and not the default behavior for the controller, as this option is considered
“aggressive” by some public NTP servers. If an NTP server is unresponsive, the iburst mode continues to send frequent queries until
the server responds and time synchronization starts.
In the WebUI
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Management > Clock page.
2. Under NTP Servers, click Add.
3. Enter the IP address of the NTP server.
4. Select (check) the iburst mode, if desired.
5. Click Add.
In the CLI
ntp server ipaddr [iburst]
Configuring NTP Authentication
The Network Time Protocol adds security to an NTP client by authenticating the server before synchronizing the
local clock. NTP authentication works by using a symmetric key which is configured by the user. The secret key is
shared by both the controller and an external NTP server. This helps identify secure servers from fraudulent servers.
In the WebUI
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Management > Clock page.
2. Under NTP Authentication, make sure Enable is selected. Enable is the default.
3. Under NTP Servers, enter the NTP server IP address in the NTP Server Address field.
4. Under NTP Identification Keys, enter an identification key (a number between 1 and 65535)in the
Identification Key field. Then add a secret string in the Md5 Secret field. The Md5 ID key must be an ASCII
string up to 31 characters.
5. Click Add.
6. The identification key along with its corresponding Md5 secret string display in the NTP Identification Keys
7. Under NTP Trusted Keys, enter a string in the Trusted Key field. This is a subset of key which are trusted. The
trusted key value must be numeric characters between 1 to 65535.
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide Management Access | 661