
l ESI group = external_cps
l Session access control list (ACL)
n Name = cp_redirect_acl
n Session policy = useranysvc-httpredirectesi-groupexternal_cps direction both
Configuring the Example NAT-mode ESI Topology
This section describes how to implement the example NAT-mode ESI topology shown in using both the WebUI,
then the CLI.
The configuration process consists of these general tasks:
l Configuring captive portal (see the “Configuring Captive Portal” chapter).
l Configuring the health-check ping method.
l Configuring the ESI servers.
l Configuring the ESI group.
l Defining the redirect filter for sending traffic to the ESI server.
Configuring the NAT-mode ESI Example in the WebUI
Navigate to the Configuration > Advanced Services > External Services view on the WebUI (see ).
In the WebUI
1. Click Add in the Health-Check Configuration section External Services view on the WebUI.
2. Provide the following details:
a. Profile Name. This example uses externalcp_ping.
b. Frequency seconds. This example uses 30.
c. Retry Count. This example uses 3.
NOTE: If you do not specify a value for a parameter, the WebUI assumes the default value. In this example, the desired timeout value
is two seconds; therefore, not specifying the timeout causes the WebUI to use the default value of two seconds.
3. Click Done when you are finished.
NOTE: To apply the configuration (changes), you must click Apply in the External Services view on the WebUI. In this example, you
can wait until you finish configuring the servers and groups, or you can apply after each configuration portion.
Configuring the ESI Group in the WebUI
1. Click Add in the Server Groups section External Services view on the WebUI.
2. Provide the following details:
a. Group Name. This example uses external_cps.
b. Health-Check Profile. Select the health-check ping from the drop-down list. This example uses externalcp_
3. Click Done when you are finished.
NOTE: To apply the configuration (changes), you must click Apply in the External Services view on the WebUI. In this example, you
can wait until you finish configuring the servers and groups, or you can apply after each configuration portion.
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide ExternalServicesInterface | 768