656 | ManagementAccess DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Figure 272: Viewing Multiple Imported Guest Entries—Guest Provisioning Page
Printing Guest Account Information
To print guest account information:
1. Highlight the guest account you want to print and click Print. The Print info for guest window displays.
2. Click Print password if you want to print the guest password on the badge. Then enter or generate a new
password for the guest. This modifies the existing guest password. (See Figure 273.)
3. Optionally, click Print policy text if you want your company policy text to appear on the print out.
4. Click Show preview to view the information before it is printed.
5. Click Print to print the guest account information.
Figure 273: Printing Guest Account Information
Optional Configurations
This section describes guest provisioning options that the administrator can configure.
NOTE: These options are not configurable by the guest provisioning user.
Restricting one Captive Portal Session for each Guest
You can restrict one captive portal session for each guest. When a new captive portal request is received and passes
authentication, all users are checked and compared with user names. If a user with the same name already exists and
this option is enabled, the second login is denied.