
835 | Behavior andDefaults DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Predefined Role Permissions
l show voice call-counters
l show voice client status
l show voice call-quality
l show voice call-density
l show voice call-cdrs
l show voice call-perf
Understanding Default Open Ports
By default, Dell controllers and access points treat ports as untrusted. However, certain ports are open by default only
on the trusted side of the network. These open ports are listed in Table 404.
Protocol Where Used Description
17 TCP controller This is use for certain types of VPN clients that accept a banner
(QOTD). During normal operation, this port will only accept a
connection and immediately close it.
21 TCP controller
22 TCP controller SSH
23 TCP AP and controller Telnet is disabled by default but the port is still open.
53 UDP controller Internal domain.
67 UDP AP (and controller
if DHCP server is
DHCP server.
68 UDP AP (and controller
if DHCP server is
DHCP client.
69 UDP controller TFTP
80 TCP AP and controller HTTP Used for remote packet capture where the capture is saved
on the Access Point. Provides access to the WebUI on the
123 UDP controller NTP
161 UDP AP and controller SNMP. Disabled by default.
443 TCP controller Used internally for captive portal authentication (HTTPS) and is
exposed to wireless users. A default self-signed certificate is
installed in the controller. Users in a production environment are
urged to install a certificate from a well known CA such as
Verisign. Self-signed certs are open to man-in-the-middle attacks
and should only be used for testing.
Table 404:
Default (Trusted) Open Ports