Parameter Description
that LMS after failover.
Remote-AP DHCP Server VLAN VLAN ID of the remote AP DHCP server used if the controller is unavailable. This
VLAN enables the DHCP server on the AP (also known as the remote AP DHCP server
VLAN). If you enter the native VLAN ID, the DHCP server is unavailable.
Remote-AP DHCP Server Id IP address used as the DHCP server identifier.
Remote-AP DHCP Default Router IP address for the default DHCP router.
Remote-AP DHCP DNS Server IP address of the DNS server.
Remote-AP DHCP Pool Start Configures a DHCP pool for remote APs. This is the first IP address of the DHCP pool.
Remote-AP DHCP Pool End Configures a DHCP pool for remote APs. This is the last IP address of the DHCP pool.
Remote-AP DHCP Pool Netmask Configures a DHCP pool for remote APs. This is the netmask used for the DHCP pool.
Remote-AP DHCP Lease Time The amount of days that the assigned IP address is valid for the client. Specify the
lease in <days>. A value of 0 indicates the IP address is always valid; the lease does
not expire.
Remote-AP uplink total bandwidth This is the total reserved uplink bandwidth (in Kilobits per second).
Remote-AP bw reservation 1
Remote-AP bw reservation 2
Remote-AP bw reservation 3
Session ACLs with uplink bandwidth reservation in kilobits per second. You can
specify up to three session ACLs to reserve uplink bandwidth. The sum of the three
uplink bandwidths should not exceed the Remote-AP uplink total bandwidth .
Remote-AP Local Network Access Enable or disable local network access across VLANs in a Remote-AP.
Advanced AP System Profile Settings
Bootstrap threshold Number of consecutive missed heartbeats on a GRE tunnel (heartbeats are sent once
per second on each tunnel) before an AP rebootstraps. On the controller, the GRE
tunnel timeout is 1.5 x bootstrap-threshold; the tunnel is torn down after this number
of seconds of inactivity on the tunnel. The supported range is 1-65535, and the default
value is 8.
Double Encrypt This parameter applies only to remote APs. Use double encryption for traffic to and
from a wireless client that is connected to a tunneled SSID.
When enabled, all traffic is re-encrypted in the IPsec tunnel. When disabled, the
wireless frame is only encapsulated inside the IPsec tunnel.
All other types of data traffic between the controller and the AP (wired traffic and
traffic from a split-tunneled SSID) are always encrypted in the IPsec tunnel.
Dump Server (For debugging purposes.) Specifies the server to receive a core dump generated
when an AP process crashes.
Heartbeat DSCP Assign a DSCP value to AP heartbeats to prioritize heartbeats traveling over low-
speed links. The supported range is 0-63, and the default value is 0. For more
information, see "Prioritizing AP heartbeats " on page 420.
Maintenance Mode Enable or disable AP maintenance mode.
This setting is useful when deploying, maintaining, or upgrading the network.
If enabled, APs stop flooding unnecessary traps and syslog messages to network
management systems or network operations centers when deploying, maintaining, or
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide AccessPoints(APs) | 419