
8. Click Add.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 to add another rule for the
service. Click Apply.
10. Select the User Roles tab. Click Add. Enter guest for Role Name. Under Firewall Policies, click Add. Select
Choose from Configured Policies and select the policy you previously configured. Click Done.
11. Click Apply.
In the CLI
(host)(config) #time-range workhours periodic
weekday 09:00 to 17:00
(host)(config) #ip access-list session restricted
any any svc-http permit time-range workhours
any any svc-https permit time-range workhours
(host)(config) #user-role guest
session-acl restricted
Configuring a Guest Virtual AP
In this example, you apply the guest virtual AP profile to a specific AP.
NOTE: Best practices are to assign a unique name to each virtual AP, SSID, and AAA profile that you modify. In this example, you
use the name guest to identify the virtual AP and SSID profiles.
In the WebUI
1. Navigate to Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration > AP Specific page.
2. Click New. Either enter the AP name or select an AP from the list of discovered APs. Click Add. The AP name
appears in the list.
3. Click Edit by the AP name to display the profiles that you can configure for the AP.
4. Expand the Wireless LAN profile menu.
5. Select Virtual AP.
a. Click the Add a profile drop down list in the Profile Details window and select NEW.
b. Enter guest, and click Add.
c. Click Apply.
6. Click the guest virtual AP to display profile details.
a. Make sure Virtual AP Enable is selected.
b. Select 2 for the VLAN.
c. Click Apply.
7. Under Profiles, select the AAA profile under the guest virtual AP profile.
a. In the Profile Details, select default-open from the AAA Profile drop-down list.
b. Click Apply.
8. Under Profiles, select the SSID profile under the guest virtual AP profile.
a. Select NEW from the SSID Profile drop-down menu.
b. Enter guest.
c. In the Profile Details, enter Guest for the Network Name.
d. Select None for Network Authentication and Open for Encryption.
e. Click Apply.
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide VirtualAPs | 331