You can view connected USB cellular devices via the Controller > Universal Serial Bus > USB Devices in the Web
UI (see Figure 324). Navigating to this page is the equivalent of executing the show usb command at the command
Figure 324: Connected Cellular Devices
Uplink Manager
Access the Uplink Manager feature from the WebUI Configuration tab. Navigate to this feature via Uplink >
Uplink Manager (Figure 325).
Figure 325: WebUI Uplink Manager
You can enable/disable the uplink to overwrite cellular and wired uplink priority. The corresponding commands are:
(host) (config)# uplink [enable | disable]
(host) (config)# uplink [cellular | wired] priority [x]
Cellular Profile
The Cellular Profile tab allows you to add/modify/delete one or more cellular profiles. The WebUI screen for Cellular
Profile is divided into the Cellular Profile Table (the top portion) and the Modify Cellular Profile (the bottom
portion). When a cellular profile is selected for modification (see Figure 326) the bottom modify portion is revealed.
All changes are entered into the buffer until the Apply button is executed.
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