
783 | ExternalUser Management DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Options Description Range / Defaults
role Role name assigned after authenticating. 64 character string
password The password of the user used for authentication.
session_timeout Session time-out in seconds. User will be disconnected
after this time.
authentication Authentication method used to authenticate the message
and the sender. You can use any of MD5, SHA-1 or clear
text methods of authentication. This option is ignored if
shared secret is not configured. It is, however, mandatory if
it is configured.
key This is the encoded SHA1/MD5 hash of shared secret or
plaintext shared secret.
This option is ignored if shared secret is not configured on
the switch.
The actual MD5/SHA-1 hash is 16/20 bytes and consists of
binary data. It must be encoded as an ASCII based HEX
string before sending. It must be present when the
controller is configured with an xml-api key for the server.
Encoded hash length is 32/40 bytes for MD5/SHA-1.
version The version of the XML API interface available in the
controller. This field is mandatory is all requests.
Current version 1.0
Monitoring External Captive Portal Usage Statistics
To check the external captive portal authentication statistics use the show aaa xml-api statistics command.
This command displays the number of times an authentication command was executed per client. The command
also displays the number of times an authentication event occurred and the number of new authentication events
that occurred since the last status check.
(host) # show aaa xml-api statistics
ECP Statistics
---------- ----------
user_authenticate 1 (0)
user_add 1 (0)
user_delete 1 (0)
user_blacklist 2 (0)
unknown user 2 (0)
unknown role 0 (0)
unknown external agent 0 (0)
authentication failed 0 (0)
invalid command 0 (0)
invalid message authentication method 0 (0)
invalid message digest 0 (0)
Packets received from unknown clients : 0 (0)
Packets received with unknown request : 0 (0)
Requests Received/Success/Failed : 5/3/2 (0/0/0)