
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Suspended -You have suspended the sending of the message or fax. You can resume
the sending of a message by pressing Send now in the Outbox view.
Resend - The fax or short message failed to be sent but the communicator will retry
to send it.
Scheduled - The fax or short message is scheduled to be sent at a specific time.
To cancel the sending of a fax, mail or short message, select it and press Cancel
When a message or fax has been successfully sent, it is moved automatically to the
Sent folder.
To write and send faxes, mail and short messages
There are two ways you can start creating faxes, mail and short messages in the
Messaging application:
Tip: If you are already writing a message or fax and want to start on a new
message, press the Menu key and select File > New message….
Press any of the following commands in the main view of Messaging: Write fax,
Write mail or Write short message.
Press the Menu key in the main view of Messaging and select Write > New
message…. Then select the appropriate message type.
Tip: When you start writing a new fax, mail or short message, a temporary copy
of it is automatically stored in the Drafts folder. It is removed from Drafts and
placed in Outbox once you press Send.
You can also send send faxes, mail and short messages in all the applications where
you can find the option File > Send after pressing the Menu key.
If you want to save, but not send a fax, mail or short message you have just written
in the corresponding editor, press Close. The message is saved in the Drafts folder.
The saved message replaces the previously saved version of the same message. To
revert back to the previously saved version of the mail or fax, press the Menu key
and select File > Discard changes. Note that this is not possible with short messages.
To select recipients
There are two ways to select recipients to your fax, mail and short messages:
Note: A fax can have only one recipient.
1 Press Recipient in the corresponding message editor. A dialog listing your
contacts opens, see figure 70.
LindaDeepak_ri.fm Page 120 Monday, September 27, 2004 2:34 PM