
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
If you are trying to connect to the Internet (in order to use WWW or to receive or
send mail), but the operation does not succeed, you can use the following checklist
to find out where the problem might be located:
1 Is the data call active when you are trying to connect? Look at the data call
indicator on the phone side. If the data call is dropped after a few seconds after
starting to connect, check the phone number in the Internet Access settings. See
page 98 for details.
If the phone number is correct, the reason may be in poor network conditions,
or a congested GSM network. Also check the Data call settings in the Internet
Access settings (connection type, data call type, and maximum connection
speed). See page 98 for details.
Contact your network service provider if you have problems with data call
establishment, and your Internet Service Provider to find out the correct remote
modem type. If you are roaming outside your home network, you might want to
try the basic GSM data call settings described in a tip on page 101.
2 If the data call is active, but you cannot receive or send mail, try to use the
WWW browser to connect to your Internet Service Provider's WWW pages. If
that works, the problem is most likely in the mail settings or the remote mailbox
service. For more information, see Mail sending troubleshooting on page 180
and Mail settings on page 126.
3 If the data call is active, but you cannot download WWW pages with the WWW
browser, make note of the most recent status indication displayed to you in the
title bar of the WWW browser.
If the status indication reads "Waiting for reply from host" or "Looking up host
name", it is likely that the WWW address (URL) has been mistyped, or there is
a problem with proxy server settings in the Internet Access Point or the proxy
server itself, or there is a transient problem with the WWW server or Internet
connections between the WWW server and your Internet Service Provider.
Check the proxy server settings explained on page 101. Disconnect the call,
wait for a couple of minutes, and retry the connection. If the connection still
does not succeed, contact your Internet Service Provider.
If the status indication reads "Logging into network" or "Connected", the
problem is most likely in your Internet Access Point settings (See page 98 for
details) or your Internet Service Provider's dial-up system, or you might need
a script in order to connect to your Internet Service Provider. Disconnect the
data call, wait for a couple of minutes, and retry the connection. If the
connection still does not succeed, contact your Internet Service Provider.
4 If your data call is unexpectedly dropped, this may be a case of poor network
conditions, congestion in the phone network, or a too low inactivity period
LindaDeepak_ri.fm Page 182 Monday, September 27, 2004 2:34 PM