Nokia RAE-3N Cell Phone User Manual

Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
General information
Battery infortion
Tip: Read this section for information on how to prolong the life of your battery.
Use the battery only for its intended purpose.
Never use any charger or battery that is damaged or worn out.
Do not short-circuit the battery. Accidental short-circuiting can occur when a
metallic object (for example coin, clip, or pencil) causes direct connection of the +
and - terminals of the battery (metal strips on the bottom of the battery), for
example, when you carry a spare battery in your pocket or purse. Short-circuiting
the terminals may damage the battery or the connecting object.
Leaving the battery in hot or cold conditions, such as in a closed car in summer or
winter conditions, will reduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery. Always try
to keep the battery between +15°C (+59°F) and +25°C (+77°F). A communicator
with a hot or cold battery may temporarily not work, even when the battery is fully
charged. The performance of Lithium-ion batteries is particularly limited in
temperatures below 0°C (+32°F).
Do not dispose of batteries in a fire!
Batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly. Batteries must not be disposed
of in municipal waste.
Note that a new battery’s full performance is achieved only after two or three
complete charge and discharge cycles.
Use only batteries approved by the communicator manufacturer and recharge the
battery only with the chargers approved by the manufacturer. With approved
chargers and accessories, the battery can be charged continuously.
The battery need not be fully discharged before recharging. When a charger is not
in use, disconnect it from the power source. Do not leave the battery connected to
a charger for longer than a week, since excessive charging may shorten its life. If
left unused, a fully charged battery will discharge itself over time.
The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times, but it will eventually
wear out. When the operating time (talk-time and stand-by time) is noticeably
shorter than normal, it is time to buy a new battery.
Temperature extremes will affect the ability of your battery to charge: allow it to
cool down or warm up first.
Battery operation time is affected by the following: whether both the phone and
the communicator interface are on, radio signal strength, various phone settings,
and the length of the screen blanker period. Page 24 Monday, September 27, 2004 2:34 PM