
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
General information
The following commands become available in the dialog:
OK - Confirms the name of the document.
Browse - Opens a dialog in which you can browse for a location where you save
your file.
Change format - Opens a list of formats. You can now change the format of the
document being saved.
Cancel - No saving is done and the dialog is closed.
Note: If you want to quit the application, but you do not want to save the file,
press the Menu key and select File > Discard changes, then close the file.
To send documents
In addition to sending messages in Messaging application you can also send
documents out of the communicator in the applications where the Send function
is available on the Menu list.
As a fax - You can send the document as a fax.
As a mail - You can send the document as a mail message.
As a short message - You can send the document as a short message.
Via infrared - You can send the document via infrared.
Note: When you open a document, the document is opened in the appropriate
editor or viewer. The commands vary according to the editor/viewer.
To search for text
You can search for text strings in the applications where this function is available
on the Menu list.
1 Press the Menu key and select Edit > Find…. A dialog opens.
2 Type the text string in the search field and press Find.
3 Once a text string match is found, it is highlighted.
To find out if there are more of the same text strings in the document, press Find
4 To redefine the search, press Options. A dialog opens where you can define
options of Case sensitive or Match whole word.
To replace text
1 Select a piece of text, press the Menu key, and select Edit > Find…. Or,
LindaDeepak_ri.fm Page 29 Monday, September 27, 2004 2:34 PM