Palm PDA CentroTM Smart Device Cell Phone User Manual

captions. See voice captions
car kits 73
Card category 230
Card Info 232–233
Card Info button 232
card readers 182
carrying cases 273
cascading style sheets 153,
Category command 241
category marker 194
category names 241
Category pick list 194, 195,
200, 241
Category tab 200
Center button 15
Centro smart device
adding security for 249
charging 19, 20, 22
compatible hands-free
devices for 73
connecting to PCs 29
displaying space on 26
features described 15–17
freeing space on 26, 216,
getting help with 11, 255
installing third-party apps
and 28, 281
locking 246, 247
naming 27, 264
not responding 259
personalizing 235
precautions for 289, 291
protecting 243–250
required items for 10
setting up 13
16, 17
oubleshooting 12, 255
turning on and off 49
unlocking 246
unpacking 9
certificates 151
bookmarks 154
contact information 67
contact names 133
default applications 243
email accounts 102
events 193
favorite buttons 72
owner information 249
passwords 248, 249
personal IDs 246
playlists 184
primary buttons 242
PTT groups 135–136
QuickText phrases 113
screen fonts 238
sync defaults 223, 224,
225, 233
sync method 268
web page layouts 152
character entry 40, 42
character limits
memos 206
text messages 113
character searches 211
charge indicator 15, 20, 21
charger cable 20
charging battery 19–21
charging device 19, 20, 22
chat icon 119, 122
chat sessions
119, 120
at View 116, 119
Choose song button 183
Choose Songs command
SIM cards 11
circuit-switched data
connections 285
city information 197, 251
City pick list 197
Clear Cache button 160
Clear Cookies button 160
clock 196, 239