2I. Bluetooth 101
To pair your device with another Bluetooth device:
1. Verify your Bluetooth is active.
2. From the Bluetooth settings page, tap Discoverable.
Your device must be visible to successfully pair
with an external device.
3. Tap Scan for devices. Your device will display a list
of discovered in-range Bluetooth devices.
4. Tap a device you would like to pair with, enter a
passkey, if necessary, and tap
5. The device will be paired when it enters the same
To disconnect Bluetooth devices:
1. Press Home > Menu > Settings >
Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings.
2. Under the Bluetooth devices section, tap and hold
the connected device.
3. On the options menu, tap Disconnect.
To unpair Bluetooth devices:
1. Press Home > Menu > Settings >
Wireless & networks > Bluetooth settings.
2. Under the Bluetooth devices section, tap and hold
the paired device.
3. On the options menu, tap Unpair or
Disconnect & unpair (when connected).
Note: Some devices may be paired by tapping Pair when the
option is available.
Note: If you’re asked for a passcode and you’re not sure what
it is, try “0000” or “1234.” If neither of these works,
consult the Bluetooth device’s documentation.
Due to different specifications and features of other
Bluetooth-compatible devices, display and operations
may be different, and functions such as transfer or
exchange may not be possible with all Bluetooth-
compatible devices.
Note: Pairing between two Bluetooth devices is a one-time
process. Once a pairing has been created, the devices
will continue to recognize their partnership and
exchange information without having to re-enter a
passkey again.