44 2A. Device Basics
Ⅲ Auto-capitalization: Tap to automatically capitalize
the first letter of sentence.
Ⅲ Show complete trace: Tap to display the complete
Swype path.
Ⅲ Word choice window: Tap to display word choice
Ⅲ Speed vs. accuracy: Tap to set how quickly Swype
responds to input.
Ⅲ Swype help: Tap to open user manual for Swype.
Ⅲ Tutorial: Tap to learn Swype in quick steps.
Ⅲ Version: Displays the software version of the
current Swype application.
Android Keyboard Settings
1. Press Home > Menu > Settings >
Language & keyboard > Android keyboard.
2. Choose from the following options:
Ⅲ Vibrate on keypress: Tap to activate vibration when
a key is touched.
Ⅲ Sound on keypress: Tap to activate a clicking
sound when a key is touched.
Ⅲ Auto-capitalization: Tap to automatically set the
first letter of a sentence to upper case.
Ⅲ Voice input: Tap to select the Voice Input option
from “
On main keyboard,” “On symbols keyboard,”
or “
Ⅲ Input languages: Tap to select the input languages
English (United States) or Español (Estados
Word Suggestion Settings
ⅷ Quick fixes: Tap to add a period when you press the
space key twice to indicate sentence completion.
ⅷ Show suggestions: Tap to display suggested words
as you type.
ⅷ Auto-complete: Tap to enter a highlighted word
automatically if a space or a punctuation symbol is typed.
Entering Text by Speaking
You can use voice input to enter text by speaking,
anywhere that you can enter text with the onscreen
keyboard. Voice input is an experimental feature that
uses Google’s speech-recognition service, so you must
have a data or Wi-Fi connection to use it.