Managing Service Level Agreement Managers
Chapter 4 Discovering and Managing Objects 107
Managing Service Level Agreement Managers
A CiscoWork2000 Service Management Solution (CW-SMS) is referred to in this book
as a Service Level Agreement Manager (SLAM). The SLAM manages service-level
agreements between enterprises and internal or external service providers to ensure
high-quality, economic delivery of convergent network services. With the embedded
Cisco IOS Service Assurance Agent (SAA), CW-SMS sets real-time traps for prompt
detection and correction of possible service degradation. Open Extensible Markup
Language (XML) programming interfaces enable full management of service-level
agreements through easy integration with in-house or third-party analysis and
provisioning systems.
Creating a SLAM
Before You Begin
Ensure that the Enable CW-SMS check box is selected. To do so, you must run the
setup script. See “Running the Setup Program Separately from Installation” on
page 44.
To Create a SLAM
1 In the Network portion of the navigation tree, right-click the Network root or a
2 Choose New => CW-SMS.
The SLAM Creation screen is displayed.
3 In Device Name, specify the IP address or DNS name of the SLAM server.
4 In Server Port, specify the port number of the SLAM server.
5 In User Login, enter your logon ID for the SLAM server.
6 In User Password, enter your password.
7 In Label, specify a name to be displayed in the navigation tree for this SLAM
8 Click Create Device.