Backing Up and Restoring Statistical Data
Chapter 8 Generating Reports 245
5 In Time Out, enter the time after which you want the backup to be interrupted if it
is uncompleted (the timeout period).
6 In Email Notification, specify the type of notification that you want:
■ Never: no notification
■ On Errors: e-mail notification only if errors occur during the backup process
■ Always: e-mail notification at each backup
7 Click the Modify button to apply the modifications.
The newly created files are compressed in the ZIP format and stored in the
directory that you specified.
To Restore Data from a Backup
1 Stop the PATROL DashBoard server (for instructions, see “Stopping the PATROL
DashBoard Server” on page 57).
2 Rename (or delete) the existing Ob folder or directory in your specified backup
directory (see step 2 on page 244).
3 Copy the *.zip files from the backup directory into a new Ob folder or directory.
4 Extract the *.zip files in the Ob folder or directory.
5 Restart the PATROL DashBoard server.
Each successive backup overwrites the previous data.
You cannot program a backup within the first 30 minutes of a given hour, because
PATROL DashBoard backs up its table statistics during that time.
On Windows, you must close the Services window after stopping the PATROL
DashBoard service. If you leave the Services window open, the backup operation
cannot proceed.