About Reports
Chapter 8 Generating Reports 241
■ ISDN report: shows the top N longest connection times (outgoing and incoming)
and the top N saturation periods
■ Points to Watch report: indicates devices with the greatest change trend over the
last three months
■ Top Talkers report: shows the top N device pairs that are responsible for the
highest bandwidth usage
■ Trends report: uses historical analysis to predict future performance problems
before they occur and to justify investment in networks
Reports in the Navigation Tree
In the navigation tree, Reports resides under User Management. Expand Reports to
display the list of existing users, similar to that shown in Figure 123:
Figure 123 Reports in the Navigation Tree
Configuring Reports
Depending on your user permissions, you might be able to configure reports for
yourself or other users. Report configuration consists of
■ specifying whether the selected reports are sent in a single file or in separate files
■ selecting the actual reports and specifying their frequency
■ specifying Top N values for the reports
■ (for HTML Top Talkers) specifying a single table or one table per protocol