
Configuring HTTPS for Your Operational Environment
Chapter 2 Installing PATROL DashBoard 45
A default keystore file named keystore and located in the directory tomcat/keystore is
created during PATROL DashBoard installation. It contains a single entry associated
with the alias tomcat. This entry contains the Tomcat private key and the self-signed
public certificate that is valid for 730 days and is protected by the keystore password.
The configuration process consists of multiple procedures. The main procedure
directs you to the other procedures as they are required, and those procedures direct
you back to the proper place in the main procedure. You must perform the entire
process on each PATROL DashBoard server and each PATROL DashBoard Corporate
Edition module.
To Configure HTTPS for a PATROL DashBoard Server or a PATROL DashBoard
Corporate Edition Module
Stop the PATROL DashBoard server or the PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition
module server, depending on which one you are configuring.
2 Use a command-line interface window (an MS-DOS window on Windows or a
shell on Unix) to navigate to
tomcat\keystore (Windows) or tomcat/keystore (Unix)
under the installation directory.
Remember that the default installation directories are as follows:
PATROL DashBoard:
\Program Files\BMC Software\PATROL DashBoard
—Unix: /opt/bmc/PATROL_DashBoard
PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition:
\Program Files\BMC Software\PATROL DashBoard Corporate
—Unix: /opt/bmc/PATROL_DashBoard_Corporate
3 Remove the file named keystore.
4 Generate your public/private keypair in the keystore file (go to “To Generate a
Public/Private Keypair” on page 46).
5 Generate a certificate request and send it to a certificate authority (CA) (go to
“To Generate a Certificate Signing Request and Send it to a Certificate Authority”
on page 47).
6 After you receive the CA response and you trust it, import the received certificate
in the “tomcat” entry of your keystore (go to “To Import the tomcat Certificate” on
page 48).