Section 3B: Email 133
2. Select the attachment name to view it in the default viewer on your device.
Select the folder icon to the left of the attachment name to open a menu of tasks you
can do with the attachment, including View, Install, or Unzip, depending on the
attachment file type; Save to save the attachment to your device or to an expansion
card; or Select Viewer to select the application you want to use to view the
3. When you have finished with the attachment, select Done to return to the
Attachments dialog box. (If there is no Done button, press Applications and
select Email to return to the Inbox of the account you were using in the VersaMail
Deleting a Single Email Message
When you delete a message, it moves to the Trash folder.
1. To delete a message from the Inbox or another message screen, highlight the
message, and then press Backspace . (To delete a message you are reading or
composing while the message is open, just press Backspace .)
2. Select OK to confirm the deletion.
To delete a single message, you can also highlight it, press Right on the
5-way, and then select Delete.
When you delete a message in Message view, by default you return to
the Inbox. You can change the setting so that you go to the next
message instead. From the Options menu, select Preferences, select
Deletion, and then select Go to Next Message from the After deleting a
message pick list.