Index 371
charger jack 11
charging the battery 15
–16, 17, 18
chat preferences 151
chat session icon 150
chat sessions 105, 149, 154
Chat view 149
city information 240
city pick list 240
Clear Cache button 168
Clear cache on exit check box 168
Clear Cookies button 168
Clear Voicemail Icon button 92
clock 240
clock preferences 285
menus 45
phone-as-modem connections 111
pick lists 45
collect phone calls 336
color palette 186
color preferences 280
color-coded category marker 227
color-coding events 225
, 227
color-coding messages 151
colored backgrounds 43
Colors Theme screen 280
command buttons 44
compact discs 205
completed tasks 231
, 233
completion dates 233
Compose dialog box 142
, 145
Compress Day View check box 227
compressed files 250
, 251
See also Mac computers; Windows
connecting to 34
removing applications from 254
storing pictures and videos on 194
synchronizing over 28
, 32, 311, 323
system requirements for 28
transferring music from 202
updating information on 35
conduit software 33
, 315
Conf button 70
conference calls 6970
–71, 73
Confirm message deletions check box 151
Connect to the Internet dialog box 104
connection icons 96, 106
Connection Manager 110
Connection Manager icon 110
accessing corporate information and 138
browsing the Web and 157
, 158, 165,
closing 111
, 177
communicating with Bluetooth devices
and 80170
communicating with TTY devices and 93
device to PCs 34
enabling phone as modem 110
enabling Sprint Power Vision 104
making phone calls and 67
maximizing battery life and 18
receiving information over Bluetooth 257
selecting networks for 95