Palm PTR690HKP Cell Phone User Manual

Index 367
See also third-party applications
accessing 52
, 54
associating with buttons 77
, 283
beaming 260
categorizing 281
closing menus in 45
composing email messages and 130
copying 261
, 271
cycling through 52
displaying information about 255
displaying list of 282
displaying menus in 44
displaying recently used 52
downloading 161
, 250, 251
installing 249
252, 309
making phone calls and 67
opening 51
52, 270, 283
removing 253
, 254
running 330
searching 248
selecting 52
sending over Bluetooth connections 256
setting default 284
synchronizing information in 35
, 36, 262
transferring to device 29
updating information in 35
viewing private entries in 294
viewing tips for 334
Applications button 10
, 51, 52
Applications view 51
, 52, 282, 337
appointments 220
, 316
See also calendar; events
Archive folder 253
area codes 90
area conversions (calculator) 243
arrow icons (documentation) 42
Attach from device option 145
Attach from Online option 145
Attach Signature check box 138
attachment formats 132
, 237
displaying 124
, 132
downloading automatically 137
downloading large 132
removing 131
saving 133
sending voice memos as 131
sending with email 130
, 131, 132
storing large 330
troubleshooting 323
Attachments dialog box 130, 131, 132
attendee information 226
audio captions 183
, 187, 188
audio files 202
See also music; music files
Audio folder 202, 204
audio player. See Pocket Tunes
audio quality 321
Auto answer pick list 84
Auto Lock Device option 292
Auto naming pick list 186
Auto Sync command 135
Auto Sync dialog box 135
Auto Sync operations 135, 136, 322, 324
Auto-complete check box 167