Section 3B: Email 137
3. Select Incoming.
4. Set any of the following preferences:
Ⅲ Get indicates whether to get message subjects only or
entire messages.
Ⅲ Ask Every Time (IMAP accounts only) indicates whether
you want to see a dialog box for choosing subjects only or
entire messages each time you retrieve email. If the box is
unchecked, messages are retrieved according to the option
you select in the Get pick list.
Ⅲ Unread messages downloads only unread mail to your device (IMAP accounts
only). If you don’t choose this option and you select Get, all your messages on your
provider’s mail server are downloaded to your Inbox, including messages you
have already read.
Ⅲ Mail from last gets messages sent within the number of days you specify
(default is 3).
Ⅲ Download attachments allows files attached to email to be automatically
downloaded to your device. Attachments that exceed the maximum message size
cannot be downloaded.
Ⅲ Maximum message size sets the maximum size limit, in kilobytes (KB), for how
much of an incoming email message is downloaded. The maximum size of an
incoming message is 5KB by default (that is, the first 5KB of all incoming email
messages is downloaded), but you can enter any size up to 2,048KB
(approximately 2 megabytes, or 2MB), including attachments.
The maximum message size that you can retrieve is 60KB for the body
text and approximately 5MB of total data for any attachments. To view a
message whose total size is greater than the maximum message size
you select but is less than 5MB, you need to select More on the message
screen to fully download the message.