178 3B. Web and Data Services
ࡗ Ways of Connecting to the Internet (page 178)
ࡗ Connecting Using Wi-Fi (page 178)
ࡗ Connecting Using Sprint 4G (page 181)
ࡗ Getting Started With Data Services (page 182)
ࡗ Connecting to a Virtual Private Network (VPN) (page 184)
ࡗ Using the Device’s Web Browser (page 186)
ࡗ Mail (page 197)
ࡗ Gmail (page 207)
ࡗ Google Talk (page 209)
ࡗ Downloading Applications and Games From Android
Market (page 212)
ࡗ Stocks (page 215)
ࡗ Weather (page 218)
ࡗ News Feeds (page 220)
ࡗ Sprint Hotspot (page 222)
ࡗ Using Your Device as a Modem (page 225)
ࡗ Connecting Your Device to the Internet Through a
Computer (Internet Pass-through) (page 226)
ࡗ Data Services FAQs (page 226)
Ways of Connecting to the Internet
Your device’s networking capabilities allow you to
wirelessly access the Internet or your corporate
network through one of the following connections:
ⅷ Wi-Fi
ⅷ Sprint 4G
ⅷ Data Services
ⅷ Virtual Private Networks or VPN
Connecting Using Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi provides wireless Internet access over distances
of up to 300 feet. To use your device’s Wi-Fi, you need
access to a wireless access point or “hotspot.”
3B. Web and Data Services
Note: The availability and range of the Wi-Fi signal depends
on a number of factors, including infrastructure and
other objects through which the signal passes.