Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone 166
Viewing or changing contact information
Deleting a contact
Defining your business card
In the Contacts list,
press Up or Down on
the 5-way to move
to the previous or next
Contacts record.
After you define your
business card, you can
beam it to other Palm
devices. In any
Phone view or the
Contacts application,
open the Record menu
and select Beam
Business Card.
1. In the Contacts list, begin entering one of the following for the
contact you want to view or edit:
• First name (JOH for John)
• Last name (SMI for Smith)
• First initial and last name (JSM for John Smith)
2. Select the name of the entry you want to open.
3. Select Edit.
4. Make changes to the entry as necessary, and then select Done.
1. Open the contact you want to delete.
2. Open the menus .
3. Select Delete Contact from the Record menu, and then select OK.
1. Create a new contact and enter your own business card info.
2. Open the contact entry containing your business card info.
3. Open the menus .
4. Select Business Card from the Record menu.