6 - 32
No. 99MBC095A
NOTE • Between Pin No.8 and Pin No.32, between Pin No.15 and Pin No.26, between Pin
No.2 and Pin No.20, and between Pin No.17 and Pin No.35 are connected
• When the 100 program method is selected, use the signal “b0” to “b3” and “PRG”
to select the program number.
• When the 10 program method is selected, use the signal “P0” to “P4” to select the
program number.
100 or 10 program method is selected in the Expanded Basic setup.
• In single measurement judgment, results will be outputted to “A” and “B”.
• In simultaneous measurement, judgment result from the program Nos.x0 to x4 will
be outputted to “A”, and that from the program Nos.x5 to x9 will be outputted to
“B”, respectively.
• When group judgment is selected, each individual judgment result will be output-
ted to “A”, and the group judgment result will be outputted to “GTJ” (“B”).
• When “LL-LH” or “N-UL” method is selected, “+NG”, “GO”, “-NG” are used to
output of judgment.
• When “L1-L6” method is selected, “L1” to “L7” are used to output of judgment.
Method of judgment is selected in the Basic setup.
2) Input signal
Clears the result display or interrupts measurement.
Used to start signal run measurement when “5 RUN” is set to “S.RUN” or “C.RUN”.
Used to start and stop zero run measurement when “5 RUN” is set to “S.RUN” or “C.RUN”
Used as “T.RUN” type input signal when “5 RUN” is set to “T.RUN”.
They are selected by the Basic setup
Used to start continuous run measurement when “5 RUN” is set to “S.RUN” or “C.RUN”.
/b0 to 3 + PRG
/b0 to 3 + SHIFT + PRG
To select program number Px0 to Px9.
To select channel number P0x to P9x.
/P0 to 4
SHIFT + /P0 to 4
To select program number P0 to P4 when “7 PRGM” is set to “10”.
To select program number P5 to P9 when “7 PRGM” is set to “10”.
PSET: Presetting will be performed using the already set preset value and preset direction
If those Preset conditions are not set, zero-setting in.
HOLD: Can be set as “HOLD” signal by the basic setup (“5 PSET”).
Used to printout the measurement result when “4 RS-232C” is set to “PRN” by the basic setup.
The statistical processing results will be printed, and then all statistical memory will be cleared.
The “ER7” command will be output from the RS-232C. Use this as a timing signal.
NOTE All input signal must be off before the new input signal is on.
During measurement only “RESET”, “RUN” (as stop), “PRINT” or “HOLD” signals are