114 Section 2I: Using Your Phone’s Built-in Camera
Sending Online Picture Messaging
To send pictures using the online Address Book:
1. From the online picture messaging display, selecta
picture you wish to send and press Send (leftsoftkey).
(See “Managing Online Pictures and Videos From Your
2. SelectRecipients > Online Addr. Book.
3. Highlight a recipient or recipients (up to 10) from your
Online Address Book and press .
4. Press Done(left softkey) when you have finished
selecting recipients.
5. Press Next (leftsoftkey).
6. To include a text message, highlightthe box under Tex t
Messageand press the appropriate softkey. Enter your
message and press .
7. Confirm your recipients and attached data.
8. Press the appropriate softkey to send the picture
messaging .
To send an album from the online pictures menu:
1. From the online albums display, selectan album you
wish to send and press Send(left softkey). (See
“Managing Online Pictures and Videos From Your
2. Follow steps 2-8 in “To send pictures using the online
Address Book”above to complete and send your picture
messaging album.
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