• Cell patterns: Patterns applied to cells
are removed.
• Fonts and font sizes: The original font
is listed on your Treo 750 and mapped
to the closest font available. Original
fonts reappear on your computer.
• Number formats: Microsoft® Office
Excel® 97 conditional formatting is
displayed in Number format.
• Formulas and functions: Unsupported
functions are removed, and only the
returned value of the function appears.
Formulas containing the following are
also converted to values:
• An array or array argument, for
example, =SUM({1;2;3;4})
• External link references or an
intersection range reference
• References past row 16384 are
replaced with #REF!
• Protection settings: Most protection
features are disabled but not removed.
However, password protection is
removed. You must remove the
password protection in Microsoft Office
Excel on your computer before opening
the file on your Treo 750.
• Zoom settings: Worksheet-specific
zoom settings are not retained. The
zoom setting applies to the entire
• Worksheet names: Names that refer to
other workbooks, arrays, array formulas,
or intersection ranges are removed
from the name list, causing those
formulas to be resolved as “#NAME?”
All hidden names are not hidden.
• AutoFilter Settings: AutoFilters that
cause rows to be hidden are supported.
Use the Unhide command to display
hidden rows. Other AutoFilters are
removed, but you can use the AutoFilter
command in Excel Mobile to perform
similar functions.
• Chart Formatting: All charts are saved
as they appear in Excel Mobile.
Unsupported chart types are changed to
one of these supported types: Column,
Bar, Line, Pie, Scatter, and Area.
Background colors, gridlines, data
labels, trend lines, shadows, 3D effects,
secondary axes, and logarithmic scales
are turned off.