Palm 750 Cell Phone User Manual

MAPI clients 243
maps 244
margins 171
Match case box 169, 183
Match whole words only
check box 169, 183
measurement units 207
media files
creating playlists for 145
formats for 142
linking to 144
playing 143
synchronizing 142
transferring 142, 146
troubleshooting 238
media libraries 144
Media Player 238
Media Player Mobile
media players 11
Media sync option 142
meeting requests 94, 95,
156, 159
available 265
freeing 192, 239, 246
low conditions for 28, 220
running apps and 28, 197
storing numbers in 200
viewing expansion card
memory buttons 200
memory dial 260
Memory icon 198
memory options (web) 122
Memory screen 220
Memory Settings screen 29
Memory tab 122
memory usage 220
memos. See messages;
menu items 21
Menu key 21, 22
menus 20–22
Menus icon 208
Menus screen 208
Message Details command
message list 107, 108
Message Options command
Message Options screen
Message Priority list 105
message status icons 108
Message tab 97
Message validity period
option 110
See also multimedia
messages; text
messages; voice notes
adding signatures to 96,
addressing 102, 103
automatically resending
creating email 91
deleting 97, 109, 110
dialing from 39
displaying notification 206
displaying status of 108
forwarding 96, 107
invalid characters and 102
listening to 41
receiving notifications for
105, 111, 234
saving 92
sorting 109
storing 247
Messages tab 110
Messaging application
See also text messages;
multimedia messages
adding contacts and 151
chat sessions and 107
customizing 109–112