Direct Push Technology 76
directory service 94, 95, 97
Disable touchscreen check
box 213
Disconnect Bluetooth
command 81
Disconnect command 224
discoverable setting 126
discovering trusted devices
123, 124, 126
discussion groups 249
disk space 265
See also memory
Dismiss button 41
display formats 206
Display message on screen
check box 206
display options (web) 118
display settings 206–208
See also screen
alternate characters 26
animated images 141
applications on device 28
appointments 154
calendar 153
contacts 37, 152
current connection 223
daily schedules 154
events 155, 157
folder contents 188
items in folders 172, 183
memory usage 220
multimedia messages 107
notifications 55, 206
on-device documentation
PDF files 167
pictures 133, 138, 141
power settings 220
Quick Tour documentation
running applications 220
space on expansion cards
198, 220
tasks 161
videos 133, 138, 141
web pages 117, 118
wireless settings 221
DOC files 167
document file types 167, 173
documentation 2, 249
See also Word Mobile
167, 168, 169
deleting 172
finding and replacing text
in 169
moving or copying text in
opening 168
organizing 172
saving 167, 168, 170, 172
sending 83
setting margins for 171
spell-checking 171
supported features for 168
unsupported features for
documents list 173
DOT files 167
applications 189, 190
attachments 93, 94
email 78, 92, 93
files 120
images 121, 141
multimedia messages
105, 110
Palm-specific information
and updates 249
pictures 138
ringtones 54
videos 141, 142
Downloads favorite 120