Virgin Mobile 601 Cell Phone User Manual

Settings 202
By default, your phone automatically uses the network-provided date, time zone, and time. However,
you can set the date, time zone, and time manually if you need to.
With two fingers, swipe down from the status bar, and then touch > Date & time.
2. Clear the Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone options.
3. Touch Set date, change the date and touch OK.
4. Touch Set time, adjust the time and touch OK.
5. Touch Select time zone, and then select the time zone in the list.
6. Select the Use 24-hour format option to toggle between using a 12-hour or 24-hour time format.
7. Touch Choose date format, and then select how you want dates to display on your phone. The
selected date format also applies to the date displayed in the Alarm Clock.
If your phone has not been activated on the Virgin Mobile network, you can use the Activate this
device menu option to begin the process.
With two fingers, swipe down from the status bar, and then touch > Activate this device.
Follow the onscreen prompts to begin activation.
Note: If your phone is already activated, you'll see a device Self Service screen with account
information, usage details, and more.
From time to time, system software updates for your phone may be available. Your phone can
automatically check and notify you if an update is available. You can download and install the
update to your phone. Depending on the type of update, the update may erase all your personal
data and customized settings, and it could also remove any programs you have installed. Make sure
that you have backed up the information and files you want to keep.
Note: Checking and downloading system software updates require data access that will count
towards your monthly data allowance.
With two fingers, swipe down from the status bar, and then touch > System updates.
2. Touch any of these available settings: