I/O Configuration
13. Parity This field selects parity for the rear panel serial port.
Choices None
Always 1
Always 0
14. Print Adrs This field sets the GPIB print address. This field only appears when the Printer Port
is set to GPIB.
Range 0 through 30
15. Print Cancel This field cancels printing.
See Also Keys: Print
16. Printer Port This field allows you to select the printer port. The default setting is Serial.
Choices Serial
HP-IB (Note that the GPIB address is also required with this
17. Print Title This field is used to enter a title, up to 50 characters, to be printed at the top of all
screen printouts.
Choices Done enters the data into the Agilent 8922M/S.
Position moves the cursor to any position in the title block.
Over/Ins When the cursor is blinking, you are in insert mode.
when the cursor is not blinking, you are in typeover mode.
Delete erases the character at the cursor.
Del End erases all the characters from the cursor position to the
end of the string (including the character at the cursor).
Bk Space erases the characters in the space previous to the cursor.
Upper and lower case letters: A through Z.
Numerals: 0 through 9
Special characters: space_"#$%&’()*+,-./:;<=>?@[
\ ] ^ ‘ { | } ~