0x0051 Invalid call reference value.
0x0058 Incompatible destination.
0x005f Invalid message, unspecified.
0x0060 Mandatory information element error.
0x0061 Message type non-existent or not implemented.
0x0062 Message not compatible with call state or
message type
non-existent or not implemented.
0x0063 Information element
non-existent or not implemented.
0x0064 Invalid information element contents.
0x0065 Message not compatible with call state.
0x0066 Recovery on timer expiry.
0x006f Protocol error, unspecified.
0x007f Interworking, unspecified.
Host I/O Error:
”Call disconnected: Host I/O Error.”
Operating System
”Call disconnected: Operating System Error.”
Unknown Errors:
”Call disconnected: 0x00??”