Radio Resource
Layer Disconnects
The RR sub-layer only generates timer expiry error codes.
”Call disconnected: RR Error: 0x00??”
No RR reports are supported.
Management Layer
Mobility Management sub-layer error codes are proprietary to the Agilent 8922M/S.
The defined error codes are as follows:
”Call disconnected: MM Error: 0x00??”
0x0001 Authorization procedure failed.
0x0002 MS rejected.
Call Control Layer
Call Control sub-layer error codes are actually CC cause values as defined by Rec.
04.08 Table 10.53. The cause values used by the Agilent 8922M/S are as follows:
”Call disconnected: CC Cause: 0x00??”
0x0001 Unassigned number.
0x0002 No route to specified transit network.
0x0003 No route to destination.
0x0006 Channel unacceptable.
0x0010 Normal call clearing.
0x0011 User busy.
0x0012 User not responding.
0x0013 User no answer.
0x0015 Call rejected no good reason.
0x0016 Number changed.
0x001b Destination out of order.
0x001c Invalid number.
0x001e Response to STATUS_ENQUIRY.
0x001f Normal, unspecified.
0x0022 No circuit/channel available.
0x0026 Network out of order.
0x0029 Network temporary failure.
0x002a Switching equipment congestion.
0x002b Access information discarded.
0x002c Requested circuit/channel not available.
0x002f Resource unavailable, unspecified.
0x0039 Bearer capability not authorized.
0x003a Bearer capability not available.
0x003f Service or option not available, unspecified.
0x0041 Bearer service not implemented.
0x0046 Only restricted digital information bearer
capability is available.
0x004f Service or option not implemented,