Protocol Log Examples Of Typical Calls.
Protocol Log Examples Of Typical Calls.
We often have requests for ‘What is a good call supposed to look like?’. In
appendix A you will find the complete Common Air Interface protocol log of a
typical call. It includes: Call Setup, Intra-cell Handover, Inter-cell Handover, Single
TCH, Hopped TCH, and Call Termination. The log shown was obtained using a PC
Protocol Logger attached to the Protocol Interface.
Appendix A details how to set up Protocol Logging.
The sample protocol log of the Common Air Interface was obtained using the
LOGGING Pass_Filter set to: ‘+Service’. The system parameters used were the
Agilent 8922M/S power on defaults except for changing TCH2 to use MA2. Only
OSI Control Stack traffic is shown. Management stack traffic configuring
the Agilent 8922M/S is not shown. Note that a mobile may ‘piggyback’ an
acknowledgment on a following I frame rather than use the explicit RR frame. Some
service primitives used are proprietary to the Agilent 8922M/S. Layer 3 messages
are accompanied by the full L3 message in HEX format.